
AdvEx 2024

AdvEx is an interactive multi-level visualization system designed to help novice machine learning learners understand adversarial evasion attacks in image classification models. The system visualizes subtle, human-imperceptible perturbations used in attacks and allows users to explore their impact across different classifiers, attack methods, and individual images. By supporting multi-level visual exploration — both instance-level and dataset-level — AdvEx highlights how adversarial attacks affect models differently depending on the data, model architecture, and training methods.

    Recognition & Outreach
  • In submission to ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent System journal.
  • Received 3rd place best poster award (300 CAD) at the 2024 Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute Annual Conference, University of Waterloo.
  • Delivered an oral and poster presentation at the 2023 Math and Computing Research Discovery Days, University of Waterloo.
    Core Features
  • Interactive Visualization of Adversarial Evasion Attacks (e.g., FGSM, PGD, ZOO attacks)
  • Real-time data analytics and model performance evaluation
  • Illustrates the logic and impact of adversarial attacks through dynamic and interactive visualizations
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